Meditation Protects Your Brain Say Scientists


From thousands of years we hear about Buddhist meditators and their tranquil state of mind free from neurotic suffering. They do this with the simple process of sitting down and closing their eyes called meditation.

Now scientists are studying meditation and meditators with phenomenal scanning technology.

A team of Emory University scientists described in early September that experienced Zen meditators were much better than control subjects at casting off external thoughts and returning to the breath. The study "Thinking about Not-Thinking:' Neural Correlates of Conceptual Processing During Zen Meditation" printed by the online research journal PLoS ONE, detected that "meditation may foster the ability to control the automatic cascade of semantic associations triggered by a stimulus and, by extension, to voluntarily regulate the flow of spontaneous thoughts."

This same group of scientist reported last year that those people who do meditation do not lose their gray matter with age as most people do.


Buddhist Meditation Video


In this Buddhist Meditation video, Lama Surya Das gives an introduction to basic Buddhist meditation. He is also an author who has written several well known books on Buddhist meditation.

Below is the video on basic Buddhist meditation -

If you know anything more about Buddhist meditation, please leave a comment.


Chakra Meditation


Learn Chakra Meditation in just nine minutes with this amazing chakra meditation video. Learn to visualize the colors of the chakra quickly and easily.

Below is the Chakra Meditation Video -

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Benefits Of Meditation Video


The Benefits of Meditation video explains the biggest benefits of meditation. It is a top quality video. Learn what are the biggest benefits of meditation and why you should do meditation.

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Guided Spiritual Meditation Video


An excellent guided meditation video on spiritual meditation. Meet your spirit guides and angels or your loved ones with this guided spiritual meditation.

Did you like this video on guided spiritual meditation? Please comment about your views.


Healing Meditation Video


Learn powerful self healing meditation through the words of Master Yu Tianjian. He is the the only living Master of Hanmi Buddhism. Now, who better than him to teach you healing meditation.

This is the first part of the video on Healing Meditation

This is the second part of Healing Meditation

What are your views about the videos on healing meditation?


Basic Meditation Instructions Video


This is the first part of the basic meditation instructions video on Samatha Meditation. Samatha meditation is the most basic of meditation in all Buddhist traditions. Watch and enjoy this nice video on meditation instructions.

This is the second part of the basic meditation instructions video on Samatha Meditation.

Did you like the videos on basic meditation instructions? Please, leave a comment.


Online Guided Meditation Video


A very good eight minutes online guided meditation video which tunes you to a source of divine inspiration in easy steps.


The Three Levels of Reiki Meditation - Video


An excellent video which discusses the three levels of reiki meditation and healing.


Top 10 Tips for Doing Zazen Meditaton


zazen meditationBelow are ten incredible tips for Zazen Meditation. Hope this may help you to progress rapidly in Zazen Meditation.

1. Devote a Fixed Place – You must ideally set aside a place for your Zazen meditation sessions. The place should be silent and free from distractions. It’s best to lock your room while doing Zazen meditation so that nobody disturbs you.

2. Sit in front of a wall or divider – You must have seen that most Zen meditation center have their students sit facing a wall or a divider. This is to reduce visual distractions. It is easier to concentrate with less visual distractions during Zazen meditation

3. Dim the lights – The ideal light intensity for Zazen meditation is neither too bright nor too dark. If you have a dimmer switch alter the light to a ‘twilight’ level. This helps you from harsh glare and helps you to remain awake.

4. The best time of the day for practicing Zazen meditation – Morning is the best time. Evening is the best time. Night is the best time for Zazen meditation. No. It is actually a matter of your own personal choice. Anytime is good as long as you feel comfortable at that time.

5. How much time to practice? – Start slowly and build up gradually. Fifteen minutes is good, thirty minutes is very good and sixty minutes is excellent. Be consistent with your schedule. Two hours one day and the next few weeks are – oh - I forgot will not help in any way. It’s up to you but my suggestion is that you start with fifteen or twenty minutes daily.

6. Stick to your schedule – As I said before, haphazard sessions of Zazen meditation will not help. You must stick to your schedule. Gradually, you will see that it has become your habit. You will feel good and the benefits of Zazen meditation are enormous.

7. Good ventilation – See to it that your room has good ventilation. Extra oxygen will help you from becoming drowsy and it will help you to remain alert for longer period of time.

8. Empty stomach – Doing Zazen meditation with a full-stomach is not the most effective method in the path to nirvana. Let an hour or two pass after you meals before you sit for meditation.

9. Light exercise before early morning session – If you do Zazen meditation very early in the morning and you sometimes fall asleep. Then walking briskly for a few minutes will help you greatly.

10. Try yoga – Yoga is an excellent compliment to Zazen meditation.


Free Zazen Meditation Ebook for Beginners


ZAZEN PRACTICE: A GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS is a very good book on zazen meditation written by Chon Tri. Chon Tri has an experience of over twenty-five years with zazen meditation. The Book is in PDF format and is free to download. Click here to download


80-year Old Zazen Meditation Expert Teaches You - Video


Gudo Nishijima, an 80-year old Japanese Zen teacher shows how to practice zazen meditation.


A Brief Tour of Zazen Meditation - Video


A brief tour of zazen meditation. Filmed at the Kokusai Zendo in Kyoto, Japan. This excellent video is from The Zen Mind by EmptyMind Films. Produced & written by Jon Braeley.


Basics of Zazen Meditation Video


A nice video on the basics of Zazen Meditation.


Zazen Meditation


zazen meditationZazen meditation is the heart and soul of Zen Buddhist practices. The literal meaning of Zazen is ‘seated meditation’. The aim of Zazen is just seating and emptying your mind.

There are several ways of practicing Zazen meditation. One way of practicing Zazen is the concentration method.

Sit anywhere or in any posture or if you prefer you can sit in the half-lotus or the full-lotus position. There are no hard and fast rules for Zazen meditation.

First, start by counting your breaths. Take it slowly. Don’t worry. Count from ten to one, backwards. Whenever a stray thought enters your mind, start again from ten. Slowly and slowly, your power of concentration will grow. Fewer thoughts will enter your mind.

Concentration and emptying the mind is a very difficult task. For beginners it is near about impossible but do not take it too hard at first. It takes time. If you continue to practice, you will see that you are becoming more adept at it.

You can practice this for about twenty minutes daily in the morning or at any time, you like. However, if you dedicate a fixed time daily to practice Zazen meditation, it will be better.

What are your views about Zazen Meditation?